What would you say is the REAL value of Legacy?And what is your commitment level for sowing into the lives of our up and coming Faithpreneurs®?

I pray this message finds you in good health and happy spirits...

I am reaching out to you on an important mission. It is, to date, one of the largest, and most meaningful undertakings I’ve stepped up to the plate to steward...

One of the greatest inspirations of my life, my Maternal Grandmother, Pernell “Pearl” Agatha Rhoden, left her earthly body on December 15, 2015. She was so FULL of wisdom, the Matriarch of my family, and the vessel that God used to shape my life’s philosophy, spiritual walk, and the inspiration I move with when I am on stages impacting people’s lives. Not a day goes by that we do not miss her.

Here’s what’s been “growing” on since, and how God has used her legacy to empower this new #Action and keep me moving forward with my marching orders to transform the world I’ve been commissioned to reach:

August 15, 2016: My book, “ACTION ACTION DESPITE THE DISTRACTION... 7 Life Lessons on How to Thrive and Live your Destiny Now!” was launched. - It was the eve of, what would’ve been, my grandmother’s birthday.

August 17, 2017: A year later, we hosted a “Legacy Celebration” ON her 100th birthday in heaven. Our theme was: “Honoring the Legacy”.

August 16-18, 2018: In 2018, we hosted our inaugural annual “Faithpreneur Weekend” at the NY Marriott Marquis, where we took the principles penned in my book, and converted them into a solid, action-based workshop that our attendees left with their foundations laid, action plan set, and the key pillars they need to launch successful, sustainable industries handled. This was a TRUE “Work-No-Fluff” Shop. They came in one way, but left BEING in ACTION!!!

And the most powerful aspect of this is that they experienced, firsthand, how to do it God’s way, using faith-based practices and principles, while building their personal economies, edifying the lives they’re called to reach, through the working relationship and fidelity to God.

My mission is to grow Kingdom based and Kingdom minded Faithpreneurs® to advance God’s reign in the marketplace, through raising up the next generations, plural, of leaders.

My ‘ask’ to you is that you throw your hat and your heart in the proverbial ring, and partner with me to move this mission, that’s so much bigger than all of us, with your finances, resources, influence, and the like, to the magnitude that God will say to each of us, “You Go Girl (and Boy, for our brothers in the legacy-making journey with us)! You did that!!!” - Translation: “Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into my joy!”

I want you to be an integral part of this with me!

I’m inviting you to be a part of the sustainability plan for this legacy work that’s on my desk...

One of the hardest adjustments on my journey was learning to ask for help because I didn’t want to “bother” the people close to me.This, however, is so easy... This has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with Him.

Will you say “YES!” to my ask, and get on board with this mission?

Become the partner our young Faithpreneurs® deserve to bridge their gaps between diligence and destiny?

The foundation of my platform is a tribute to the legacy my beautiful, God-fearing grandmother left behind. It’s THE best inheritance I could’ve received. It was her 98 years in the making, and she’s passed us the torch.

The foundation of my platform is a tribute to the legacy my beautiful, God-fearing grandmother left behind.

It’s THE best inheritance I could’ve received. It was her 98 years in the making, and she’s passed us the torch.

We continued in her honor for #FaithpreneurWeekend2K19 August 15-17, 2019, at the landmark TWA Hotel at JFK Airport.

• August 13-15, 2020: We had our first “Faithpreneur® Virtual Weekend Experience” 

• August 12-14, 2021: We had our first “Faithpreneur® Hybrid Weekend Experience” 

• August 10-13, 2022: We had our second "Faithpreneur® Hybrid Weekend Experience"

• August 16-19, 2023: This year we are planning a safe COVID "Faithpreneur® Hybrid Weekend Experience"

This is a call for us all to stretch and pour into this legacy work. It’s a call for a commitment to be in it for the long haul to get these next generations suited and booted for their great Godly commissions. #StretchForSuccess and INVEST in our upcoming Faithpreneurs®!

To become an investment partner in the Faithpreneur® TV Network,

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One time payment using the following email: cgenterprisesny@gmail.com 

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C&G Enterprises Unlimited, LLC

P.O. Box 110742

Cambria Heights, NY 11411-1235

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