I am usually the one helping, so I haven't been the best at asking for help; hence most people don’t think I need help. This season, I am seeking help from those waiting to partner with me in this Kingdom work. If you are viewing this page, it is because you are a part of my network or one of my current investors has decided to invite you to join them in building this network.

The goal of the Faithpreneur®TV Network is to provide media visibility, increased revenue, and business opportunities for Faithpreneurs worldwide. My mission is to grow Kingdom-based and Kingdom-minded Faithpreneurs® to advance God’s reign in the marketplace through raising the next generations, plural, of leaders!

My ‘ask’ to you is that you throw your hat and your heart in the proverbial ring, and partner with me to move this mission, that’s so much bigger than all of us, with your finances, resources, influence, and the like, to the magnitude that God will say to each of us, “Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into my joy!”


Five Options Below:

Electronic Payments can be sent utilizing any of the following options:


CGEnterprisesNY@gmail.com or 



If your preference is by mail, you can mail your Financial Support made payable to:

C&G Enterprises Unlimited, LLC

P.O. Box 110742

Cambria Heights, NY 11411-1235

All investors will be recognized during the Faithpreneur Weekend Experience! Seed, Gold, Silver Platinum Sowers will also receive recognition on our website, a complimentary ad in an upcoming issue of The Faithpreneur Magazine, plus an invitation to a private Annual Investors Roundtable!

Thank you for your time and consideration!

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