By applying to be a Co-Author of this project, with your payment, you agree:

1. You will submit your 1500-word story according to our publishing guidelines  

2. You will submit two 1-minute audio or video snippets from your chapter to be included in our marketing campaign

3. You grant us the rights to market your chapter for perpetuity for this project, and you also have the right to republish your chapter

anywhere else 60 days after publication.

4. You will receive marketing training on leveraging the book to build your marketing platform and social network, increase

your e-mail lists, and sell more of your products.

5. You agree to promote the book to your email list and to market the project to the best of your business ability. The book will be

jointly marketed among all 25 plus authors featured in the book and through other online strategies.

6. You will receive 50 print book copies with a retail value of $1,749.

7. You can buy additional bulk copies of the print books for 50% off!

8. You understand this is a special offer with limited capacity, and C&G Enterprises Unlimited, LLC has a 3-day refund policy.

Only requests for a refund after the third day of the initial purchase will be allowed. Note there is a 20% service fee if canceled

within the allotted time. All charges will appear on your statement as C&G Enterprises Unlimited, LLC. 

To learn more about Dr. Stacie and Dr. Cindy, please click the links below:

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