What never gets old for me is how God set me up in 2008 when he gave me the inspiration to create space for Sunrise Prayer at one of my mentor’s Dr. George C. Fraser’s Power Networking Conference so we could go into prayer for direction and discernment on how to navigate all the opportunities we were being presented with. When I returned home that year, I started receiving emails and calls asking what time we were doing prayer and I was like “watch u talkin bout Willis… the conference is over”. Well, I did agree to schedule time every Saturday morning at 9:00am EST and now 15 years later our Saturday Faithpreneur VIP Prayer Call represents a GLOBAL community of FAITHPRENEURS. We have prayed together, laughed together and even cried together holding on to our FAITH on this journey of a Faithpreneur!


• Operate with the highest level of integrity in business and

choose carefully what they invest their time and money in.

• Can typically be found as volunteer leaders in their houses of

worship, local civic and community service organizations

• Inspire their audiences with stories of faith and resilience

overcoming the obstacles of life

• Desire to make the world better. They want to create

products and/or services that help make the world a better



Stand out as change agents! They are Entrepreneurs who identify Faith as their core value. It takes a certain level of grit, determination and faith that your business idea will work.

They are the enterprising individuals who dare to disrupt the marketplace with innovative solutions, products and services to improve our global marketplace!

Destiny Designers University is the only multimedia training and development platform for Faithpreneurs® delivered through  live and self directed training , books, manuals, conferences & print media. The next level of expansion is underway with the creation of the largest global directory of Faith based businesses and capacity building content  for the Faithpreneur TV Network.

The goal of the Faithpreneur®TV Network is to provide media visibility, increased revenue, and business opportunities for Faithpreneurs® worldwide. Faithpreneurs® are represented in all industries including but not limited to personal development, entertainment, education, sports, real estate, hollywood and everywhere in between. We are creating a safe place for the largest repository of faith based businesses to align their faith with being unapologetically profitable in the marketplace. Faith is the currency of our belief system that makes it possible to create the needed and necessary solutions/answers in the marketplace!

Our audacious goal for Destiny Designers® University is to be the largest international repository of Faithpreneurs globally. We are redesigning our website to showcase our Faithpreneurs across the globe, raise their visibility and increase their profitability. For our 10th Anniversary year, these businesses can be featured for $100/yr which is less than a dollar a day.

Our proof of concept for Destiny Designers University confirms access to capital is one the top 3 challenges for small business owners. In order to increase profitability, you need visibility. We have created a safe place for our Emerging Faithpreneurs, Established Faithpreneurs and Empowered Faithpreneurs to develop their businesses and gain visibility while growing their faith!

Here are a few ways you can partner with us:

Contribute $1000.00 to sponsor 10 Faithpreneurs to receive their Faithpreneur Business Directory listings valued at $100/yr. You will be recognized as as Faithpreneur Business Directory Sponsor 

Partner with us in our Phase 1 Faithpreneur TV Angel Investment Circle by investing 5K or higher.

You will receive: Ad placement in the Faithpreneur® Magazine, Ad placement on Faithpreneur® TV, Website & Social Media Recognition and invitation to annual Investor Roundtable

Make a general donation using Zelle with the email: CGEnterprisesNY@gmail.com

“Entrepreneurship is fast emerging as a transformational megatrend of the 21st century given its capacity to reshape economies and industries throughout the world. As key drivers of economic growth, entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of any expanding economy, generating jobs, introducing new products and services, and promoting greater upstream and downstream value-chain activities. Increasingly, entrepreneurship occurs not in isolation or in silos, but through collaboration and community.

Entrepreneurs are seeking out supportive environments that—through proximity—provide collaboration, culture and resources that spur entrepreneurial activity and reward innovative mindsets.” ~ Waddah  Barkawi, Entrepreneur  Magazine

Mayor Adams creates new office for Faith-Based and Community Partnerships and Destiny Designers are partners!






"GOLD 2.5K"









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